Patient and Caregiver Experience of Hospital Discharge from an Acute Medicine Unit via the Discharge Lounge: A Qualitative Case Study.


Discharge lounges enable the swift movement of patients imminently awaiting hospital discharge, to free beds without delay. This Qualitative Yin-Style Case Study describes the patient and caregivers experience of transition from an Acute Medicine Unit (AMU) to a discharge lounge and staff perspectives, as organisers of this process. Audiorecorded, interviews and focus groups were undertaken. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis. Lack of patientcenteredness in moving patients to the discharge lounge emerged with three themes: 'moving the problem'; 'being moved' and 'feeling removed'. Patients were transferred at accelerated speed. Communications between staff, patients and carers were abruptly curtailed. Patient transfer from AMU to a discharge lounge is a transitional stage in the acute discharge process and must be adequately communicated

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