Acute myocardial infarction in Zimbabwe: the changing scene of coronary artery disease


From 1988 to 1993 (six years), 127 suspected cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were admitted to the Parirenyatwa Hospital coronary care unit. AMI was confirmed in 76 cases, 37 were Black, 27 White, six Indian and six Coloured. For Blacks the male to female ratio was 5:1. The clinical and laboratory features and complications of AMI were similar in all ethnic groups. Compared to other groups, Blacks presented to hospital late, an observation which has important implications for thrombolytic therapy. With the increasing number of cases of AMI now being seen among Black Zimbabweans, the time has come for the evaluation of the changing risk factor profile and the initiation of education and intervention programmes which could contain this rise before it spirals into a major health problem

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