Animal health research and development


A book chapter on veterinary health services in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe’s veterinary delivery system and research capability have been shaped by the need to prevent, control, manage and/or eradicate animal diseases.202 Although major epidemics like rinderpest, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and African east coast fever have been eradicated, there is still need to ensure that any reintroduction of these diseases is prevented. The Department of Veterinary Services has the mandate to provide animal health services and has had to put in place special control measures for some of the endemic diseases such as foot and mouth disease, contagious abortion, anthrax, beef measles and salmonellosis. These diseases affect both the export and domestic beef markets. For purposes of foot and mouth disease surveillance and control, the country is divided into foot and mouth disease control zones through a network of cattle and buffalo proof cordon fences. Epidemiological surveillance, monitoring and reporting of specified diseases and pests as of2004 relied on a countrywide network of veterinary infrastructure that comprised the following: eight provincial and 53 district offices; 308 subdistrict animal management and health centres in the smallholder sector and six in commercial fanning areas; one central veterinary laboratory; and three provincial diagnostic laboratories in Bulawayo, Mutare and Masvingo

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