Regional economic coordination and implications for planning: the case of Zimbabwe in SADCC


A conference paper on regional economic co-operation in the SADC with emphasis on economic planning in Zimbabwe.With the international economic crisis, the drought and food production crises in Africa, all of the economic indicators show a negative growth and a decrease in the quality of life of most African peoples. After two and* one- half "development decades" of the United Nations, the international community and the individual states have clearly failed in their goal.. Even large and diversified economies like Brazil and Mexico, with definite indicators, ox economic growth, are the largest debtors, "National" development no longer seems possible. Further, individual states find the colonial legacy of underdevelopment too difficult to transform in the period of economic crisis. Even countries like Angola and Mozambique, who won national revolutions and began social revolutions to transform production relations, have found the inherited economic linkages an inimical barrier to development.

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