Bilharzioma of the fallopian tube - a case report


A case report on bilharziasis of the Fallopian tube as diagnosed in a Caucasian woman in Zimbabwe.We present a 37 year old, Caucasian woman who presented to a gynaecologist with a history of amenorrhea and subsequent per vaginal bleeding. In her gynaecological history, she was Gravida 3, Para 2, and her youngest child was 12 years old. Her periods had always been regular and she had a copper T contraceptive device in situ. She missed her period and subsequently had a PV bleed. She was found to have an incomplete abortion, for which a D&C and removal of the IUCD, as well as ligation fallopian tubes was arranged. At laparoscopy, she was found to have a 30mm “tumour at” the fimbrial end of her left fallopian tube. A mini-laparotomy was performed to remove the “tumour”, and seedlings on the contralateral fallopian tube, adjacent ovary as well as on the uterine surface. Peritoneal nodules were also seen but no peritoneal fluid was evident. The “tumour” was resected, and the following day post-operatively, the patient was counselled for a TAH and BSO and consent was obtained

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