Faculty of Medicine, Central African Journal of Medicine (CAJM), University College of Rhodesia (now University of Zimbabwe)
A journal article on the distribution of bilharzia ova in the male genital tract from autopsy material gathered in a hospital in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).It was decided to study the distribution of bilharzia ova in the male genital tract from autopsy material, which included the prostate, seminal vesicle, spermatic cord, testis, epididymis, tunica vaginalis and scrotal skin. Such a study appeared to be justified, as many patients are seen in endemic bilharzial regions with various diseases of these organs. For instance, hydrocele, orchitis, epididymitis, lymph-scrotum and prostatitis are frequently encountered, and the etiology is by no means always obvious. It is tempting to attribute an affection of these organs to bilharziasis, but it should be remembered that bilharziasis may be present coincidentally with another disease and is thus often not the causative factor at all in the disorders just mentioned