
The Past and the Present: Reflections of Everyday Life in English Ceramic Figurines


The practice‐led research in this thesis investigates narratives of everyday life captured through ceramic figurines. This is informed by the history of the English ceramic figurine, which pertains to a long tradition of reflecting scenes of everyday life and social concerns particular to the time of their production. The aim of this thesis is firstly to examine the ways in which English ceramic figurines captured images of everyday life throughout history, and secondly to explore how contemporary everyday life can be interpreted visually through ceramics. This thesis addresses the relationship between the research carried out by historians and the work of practitioners on figurines. Moreover, the thesis considers the history of figurine production and its impact on contemporary practice. My research methodology relies on original archival materials and museum collections, which enables me to frame my practice within the literature on the subject of figurines. Many aspects of these remain overlooked in existing scholarship. The thesis is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 comprises three case studies, which examine the socio‐historical significance of eighteenth‐ and nineteenth‐century English figurines. My investigation includes materials, makers, sources of inspiration, conditions of production, the cultural background and the ceramics market. Case Study 1 examines the culture of pastimes and the theatre in eighteenth‐century England by focusing on one particular piece, The Music Lesson (1765). The Teetotal and Ale Bench figurine group (1835) in Case Study 2 is an example through which the relationship between drinking culture and ceramics in early nineteenth‐century England is investigated. Case Study 3 examines Victorian china fairings and their manufacture in Germany through the example of Before Marriage and After Marriage (c.1860). All the case studies have been conducted to support the view that English ceramic figurines were cultural products of their time, integrated into everyday life – that of both the upper and working classes – and thus provide unique insight into the social and cultural issues that concerned English society. Many of the examples considered in these three case studies stem from my research trips in the UK and elsewhere, including the Harris Museum in Preston, and in Germany the Meissen Factory and Museum in Dresden and the Nymphenburg Palace and Porcelain Manufactory in Munich. These case studies were crucial in informing new approaches to my practice, and are important in understanding its development. Chapter 2 focuses on my studio practice. This consists of wall‐based and freestanding figurines based on my own observations of British culture, collected during my time living in the UK as an ‘outsider’. I highlight four key issues from the case studies examined in Chapter 1 that have influenced my own practice. These include an English perspective; encounters and exchanges; multiples; the relationship between drawing, and the figurine. My subjective observations and understanding of the historical framework surrounding the field of figurine making have thus informed this series in a new body of work. It is a poignant time to examine this fast‐disappearing aspect of visual culture which used to be so vital in British economy and society, as the demand for, and production of, figurines is decreasing. This thesis hopes to revive an appreciation of the ceramics with which we are so familiar in terms of practical use. By documenting everyday life through a material which quietly surrounds us every day, for instance in the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and human-inhabited space generally, I hope to challenge the viewer to respond to this material in a new way

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