
International postgraduate students and peer learning


Programmes such as peer learning and peer assisted study sessions are increasingly used to support undergraduate students in many academic institutions. These programmes are regularly evaluated, monitored and proven to have academic and social benefits for learners. However, postgraduate students, especially international students are not the main target of these programmes. This study targeted international postgraduate students. The action research method was used to investigate how peer learning could support international postgraduate students in their learning journey and enhance their learning experience. Two former/experienced postgraduate students were invited to share their learning experience with thirty four new international postgraduate students in two sessions. After the two presentations, participants completed a self-administrated open-ended feedback questionnaire to evaluate the two sessions. An open-ended feedback questionnaire was used as the main research tool to gather the primary data and thematic analysis was used to analyse the collected qualitative data. The findings revealed that students enjoyed this learning opportunity; majority of participants thought that the two peer learning sessions were useful, insightful, thoughtful, inspirational and beneficial. In conclusion, peer learning is an important tool to enhance the learning experience of international postgraduate students and enrich their educational journey. Therefore, the outcomes of this action research contribute to the growing body of knowledge on peer learning and international postgraduate students

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