House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Report : Impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health


Executive Summary This submission primarily reflects upon the use of mental health support services that are available online for children and young people. It specifically reflects upon recent research that highlights some of the positive potential for such resources. In summary: Children and Young People will use the Internet and social media resources as a means to access health orientated support. Therefore professionals have to be ready to work in these environments. Numerous online resources have been developed to support children and young people. These have evolved with professional co-ordination and include online counselling services and moderated forums (e.g. Online counselling services for children and young people (i) prove attractive to a wide variety of young people (including those who would not ordinarily access face-to-face support), (ii) potentially attract more vulnerable individuals to access support due to the anonymous nature of some services, and (iii) demonstrate that successful therapeutic relationships can be developed. Online forums provide helpful environments for children and young people to support one another. Young service user can use these resources to provide information an emotional support. Moderation of such services can prove helpful in developing safer environments

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