
Statistical Performance Analysis of an Ant-Colony Optimisation Application in S-NET


Kenneth MacKenzie, Philip K. F. Hölzenspies, Kevin Hammond, Raimund Kirner, Vu Thien Nga Nguyen, Iraneus te Boekhorst, Clemens Grelck, Raphael Poss, Merijn Verstraaten, 'Statistical Performance Analysis of an Ant-Colony Optimisation Application in S-NET'. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization for Multi-Core Architectures. Berlin, Germany, 12 January 2013.We consider an ant-colony optimsation problem implemented on a multicore system as a collection of asynchronous stream- processing components under the control of the S-NET coordina- tion language. Statistical analysis and visualisation techniques are used to study the behaviour of the application, and this enables us to discover and correct problems in both the application program and the run-time system underlying S-NET

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