A Quasi Experimental study to evaluate the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program regarding Selected Childhood Mental Disorder on Knowledge and Attitude among Primary School Teachers at Selected Institutions in Madurai


The focus of the study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching program on level of knowledge and attitude of childhood mental disorder among primary school teachers at selected institutions in Madurai. A review of literature helped the investigator to develop the conceptual framework, questionnaire, Likert scale and methodology. The review was done with the help of various literatures. The conceptual frame work adopted for this study was derived from Stufflebeam’s CIPP model for evaluation; it serves as a comprehensive framework for guiding evaluations of program, projects, personnel, evaluation systems etc. Research design adopted for the study was experimental design. A questionnaire was developed and used for collecting data about level of knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers on childhood mental disorders. The tool was found to be reliable and feasible. The reliability of the tool was established by testretest method. The tool was administered among 6 primary school teachers at Madurai and retest was given. Karl parson’s coefficient of correlation was computed and reliability of the level of knowledge found to be 0.99% and the reliability for level of attitude found to be 0.99%. The tool was found to be reliable. Data gathered were analyzed and interpreted in terms of the study objectives. The main study was conducted in primary schools in Madurai with help of the school headmistress for a period of six weeks. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from the respondents of the study. Data were organized and interpreted by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the pre-test level of knowledge and attitude regarding childhood mental disorders among primary school teachers. 2. To assess the post-test level of knowledge and attitude regarding childhood mental disorders among primary school teachers. 3. To assess the difference of pre-test, post-test level of knowledge and attitude. 4. To identify the relationship on post-test level of knowledge with attitude. 5. To associate post-test level of knowledge and attitude with selected demographic variables (Age, experience, marital status, disorder in family, place of residence). HYPOTHESIS: H1: There will be a significant difference in pre-test and post-test level of knowledge score regarding childhood mental disorders. H2: There will be a significant difference in pre-test and post-test level of attitude score regarding childhood mental disorders. H3: There will be a significant relationship between post-test level of knowledge and attitude regarding childhood mental disorders. H4: There will be a significant association between the post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables. H5: There will be a significant association between the post-test attitude score with selected demographic variables. MAIN FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: Regarding level of knowledge and attitude in the pre-test among primary school teachers, 38 (63.3%) had inadequate knowledge and 22 (36.7%) had moderate knowledge about childhood mental disorders. Regarding level of attitude 41 (68.3%) had negative attitude and remaining 19 (31.7%) of the total primary school teachers had neutral attitude towards childhood mental disorders Regarding the effectiveness of planned teaching program, mean score for posttest level of knowledge was higher than pre-test level of knowledge. It was 13.8 in pretest and 25.4 in post test. The mean score of attitude in post-test is 34 increased from pretest mean score 17.9. This shows that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test level of knowledge and attitude regarding childhood mental disorder among primary school teachers. This shows that the planned teaching program was effective. It was observed that the planned teaching program plays a vital role in improving the level of knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers. Regarding the relationship between post-test level of knowledge and attitude, there was a positive correlation between post-test level of knowledge and attitude. Regarding association between level of knowledge and attitude with selected demographic variables, there was no significant association between levels of knowledge and level of attitude with demographic variables like age, sex, marital status, experience, prior information. Regarding association between levels of knowledge and attitude with selected demographic variables, there was no significant association between their knowledge and attitude with childhood mental disorder with their age, sex, marital status, experience and prior information of the primary school teachers. CONCLUSION: The main conclusion of this present study is that education plays fundamental role in bringing changes in knowledge and attitude of the primary school teacher. The investigator hopes that the planned teaching program could increase their level of knowledge and attitude on childhood mental disorders among primary school teachers

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