This study aims to find and demonstrate the "intermingle art project Light Pattern" based on fine art
performances to answer the lack of contemporary research-based on performance art. The problem
formulated in this creation is what kind of psychological situation and conditions of the intermingle form
between drawing on novels and artists. The ideas or praxis concepts are expressed from intermingle
drawing on novels. The form of presentation of this intermingle art project to certain public spaces.
The theory used in this study is significant form, aesthetic relational and presentation theory, these
theories are very supportive in the research. Data collection through participatory observation, interviews,
and literature studies. An interactive analysis model is used in presenting data and presenting the results
of the analysis informally and formally.
The results of the study showed that each artist create a different perspective in accordance with the
field of art in which he was engaged. Various forms of art emerge: visual, verbal, sound, and kinesthetic
contemporary art. Presented with the shuttle layers in the form of art.
Keywords: Light Pattern, Performing Visual Arts, Intermingle