Biblioteconomia social, crítica e progressista: mapeamento da produção científica nacional e internacional


Library Science is a scientific field that has presented in recent decades the strongest discussion about its social character and the importance of moving away from a conservative base. Thus, new qualifying terms of this area can be found, for example, Social, Progressive and Critical Library Science. This alternative use and its production is the focus of this research whose general objective is to map the indexed scientific production in different databases. The methodological procedure selected was the bibliometrics of quantitative nature, which aims, at this first moment, to identify the occurrence of the terms, in Portuguese, “Biblioteconomia Social”, “Biblioteconomia Progressista” e “Biblioteconomia Crítica”, as well as the corresponding terms in English “Social Library Science”, “Progressive Library Science” and “Critical Library Science”. Thus, two databases were intentionally selected, one from Brazil and other international, for data collection, namely: Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI) and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA). The search with the terms in these databases took place in January 2019, therefore, the collected data were tabulated and presented in this paper. It was possible to notice that the use of the terms is still little present in the library science production, considering that they started to be used from the 2000s. In Brazil, the “watershed” was the Congresso Brasileiro de Biblioteconomia, Documentação e Ciência da Informação [Brazilian Congress of Library, Documentation and Information Science] (CBBD), in 2017, having in one of the thematic axes the presence of the term “Social Library Science”

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