The corelation between feto-placental unit, fetal biometry and amniotic fluid in pregnant women with preeclampsia in second trimester


Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication, characterized by high blood pressure, that exceeds 140/90mmHg, documented in two occasions, at least four hours appart and proteinuria 0.3 g or more proteins in urine for 24 hours. It usually begins after 20 gestational weeks, in normotensive women. The incidence is approximately 3-8% of all pregnant women, worldwide. Etiology of preeclampsia is not known yet, but there are theories that explain it: immunologic, genetic, placental ischemia, etc., and all of them contribute to abnormality of spiral arteries, placental site trophoblastic cell dysfunction, inadequate trophoblastic invasion, that finally results with placental hypoperfusion and ischemia. The study is prospective, proceeding at the Department of Pathologic and High Risk Pregnancy, SHGO "Mother Theresa" in Skopje. The data are estimated from March-December 2019. It was done measurment of doppler values of a. uterine dex. et sin., between 20-24 g.a., fetal biometry measurments and the index of amniotic fluid. From all 150 pregnant women included in the study, in 20 of them was found high doppler values and in four of the same group, presence of notch. In 16 pregnant women with high doppler values, it was found intrauterine growth retardation, while in three of them decreased levels of amniotic fluid. All 20 women were followed up by regulary measuring arterial tension and hospitalisation at the beginning of third trimester for doing analizes of presence of proteins in the urine and given adequate therapy. From 20 pregnant women that had high doppler values, hypertension and other changes in ultrasound parameters, in 11 of them was found preeclampsia. Also, it was found positive correlation between high doppler values of a. uterine and notch in second trimester, and appearance of preeclampsia, later in pregnancy and also a correlation between the values of a. uterine, notch, fetal biometry and index of amniotic fluid

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