
Secrecy Capacity for Multi-Antenna Wireless-Powered AF Relaying Systems


This paper analyzes the ergodic secrecy capacity of an energy-constrained multiple-antennas amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying system in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. In the first phase, the source broadcasts information signal, while the destination sends an artificial jamming signal. The jamming signal has two main purposes: 1) enhancing the system security; 2) increasing the energy harvesting (EH) at the relay node. In the second phase, the relay uses the harvested energy to amplify and forward the received signal to the destination. For this system model, explicit mathematical expressions for the ergodic secrecy capacity are derived for three different common EH-relaying protocols, namely, power splitting relaying (PSR), antenna selection and power splitting (ASPS) receiver, and ideal relaying receiver (IRR). Monte-Carlo simulations are included to validate the analysis and the effect of different parameters on the system security are investigated. The results show that, the ASPS receiver outperforms PSR in terms of secrecy capacity

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