Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr : A tracer for geochemical processes in mine wastes


Understanding geochemical processes in mining environments are essential to waste management decisions including remediation. In an attempt to understand geochemical processes, chemical data have mostly been used but these have oft en led to inaccurate conclusions. Th erefore, in this work 87Sr/86Sr, Sr/Ca and other elemental ratios (Ca/K and Rb/Sr) in leachates were employed to constrain the geochemical processes in an abandoned tungsten (W) tailings in Yxsjöberg, South-Central Sweden. Th e results of this study indicate that coupling chemical ratios with 87Sr/86Sr ratios off er better insights in discriminating between diff erent geochemical processes in mine wastesISBN för värdpublikation: 978-0-620-80650-3Min-Nort

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