Vliv intenzity pasečného hospodaření v dubových porostech na epigeickou faunu pavouků (Arachnida, Araneae)


The objective of the present study was to investigate the impact of intensity glade economy at oak forests on epigeic fauna of spiders. Specifically, there were two types of glade economy - mechanical and non-mechanical. The main target of was compare two types. Finding of the species richness, abundance and degree of rareness of spiders The spiders were cought in an individual way. Collect was held in six locations (3 mechanical and 3 non-mechanical) near cities Pasohlávky, Ivaň, Pouzdřany and Vranovice. Repeated five times, from May 2016 to September 2016, once a month. A total number 6915 individual spiders and 120 spider species. The research revealed a statistically significant difference in the species richness between mechanical and non-mechanical locations, where there was a significantly higher diversity on non-mechanical locations. Activit density was bigger on the mechanical locations. Non-mechanical locations a significantly higher incidence of rare and endangered species of spiders and overall, the arachnofauna in these locations was significantly more diverse. The results indicate the inappropriateness of large-scale milling of stump in forest management. The results can also serve as a basis for arboriculture practice in the care of scattered and public greenery

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