Human iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte networks on multiwell micro-electrode arrays for recurrent action potential recordings


Cardiac safety screening is of paramount importance for drug discovery and therapeutics. Therefore, the development of novel high-throughput electrophysiological approaches for hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte (hiPSC-CM) preparations is much needed for efficient drug testing. Although multielectrode arrays (MEAs) are frequently employed for field potential measurements of excitable cells, a recent publication by Joshi-Mukherjee and colleagues described and validated its application for recurrent action potential (AP) recordings from the same hiPSC-CM preparation over days. The aim here is to provide detailed step-by-step methods for seeding CMs and for measuring AP waveforms via electroporation with high precision and a temporal resolution of 1 µs. This approach addresses the lack of easy-to-use methodology to gain intracellular access for high-throughput AP measurements for reliable electrophysiological investigations. A detailed work flow and methods for plating of hiPSC-CMs on multiwell MEA plates are discussed emphasizing critical steps wherever relevant. In addition, a custom-built MATLAB script for rapid data handling, extraction and analysis is reported for comprehensive investigation of the waveform analysis to quantify subtle differences in morphology for various AP duration parameters implicated in arrhythmia and cardiotoxicity

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