A Evaluative study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV patients in selected community care centres, in Kanyakumari District


The study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of antiretroviral therapy among HIV patients in selected community care centres, in Kanyakumari District. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding antiretroviral therapy before and after structured teaching programme among HIV patients. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on antiretroviral therapy among HIV patients. 3. To associate the post test knowledge score among HIV patients regarding antiretro viral therapy with selected demographic variables such as age, sex, type of family, marital status, education, occupation, and income. ASSUMPTIONS: The knowledge of antiretroviral therapy varies from one another. The level of knowledge of antiretroviral therapy is influenced by selected demographic variables like age, sex, type of family, marital status, education, occupation and income In this study J.W. Kenny’s open system model (2002) was used to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme and also for associating the selected demographic variables with knowledge of antiretroviral therapy. This study adopts a quantitative approach and design was quasi experimental one group pre test post test design. Data were colleted from 50 samples by convenience sampling technique. The tools used for data collection include- 1. Selected demographic variables. 2. Structured questionnaire regarding knowledge on HIV and antiretroviral therapy with a score of 24. All tools were validated and subjected to reliability testing. On pilot study the tools were found to be appropriate and relevant for the study. The procedure of data collection was done from subjects on convenience sampling technique and data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: 1. Among 50 samples none of them had high knowledge during pretest. After structured teaching programme, in post test 30% of them had high knowledge. 2. Association between level of knowledge and selected demographic variables such as sex, type of family, marital status, education, occupation, and income have no significant association.(P>0.050). 3. The mean score for knowledge during pretest was 6.56 and has changed to 13.6 in post test, P<0.050. After imparting the structured teaching programme there is a significant improvement in knowledge on antiretroviral therapy. CONCLUSION: This evaluative study reveals that among the 50 participants of the study 74% of them had high knowledge after post test. There is no statistically significant association between demographic variables such as sex, education, marital status, occupation, and income. The structured teaching programme was also found effective in improving the knowledge of antiretroviral therapy thereby adherence to this therapy can be improved

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