Progenitor-mass-dependent yields amplify intrinsic scatter in dwarf-galaxy elemental abundance ratios


In hydrodynamic simulations, prevailing subgrid chemical-evolution models often use a single, "IMF-averaged" supernova yield, ignoring variations in elemental abundance ratios (particularly [α\alpha/Fe]) in the ejecta of higher- and lower-mass supernova progenitors within a stellar population. To understand the impact of this simplification and understand the impact of more explicit models, we run FIRE simulations of a dwarf galaxy (M⋆((M_\star(z = 0)∼106M⊙)) \sim 10^6 M_\odot) using nucleosynthetic yields from the NuGrid database that depend on the stellar progenitor mass and metallicity. While NuGrid exhibits lower aggregate α\alpha-element production than default-FIRE yields, we find that its explicit mass dependence substantially widens the intrinsic scatter in the simulated [Fe/H]-[α\alpha/Fe] -- a phenomenon potentially visible in recent observations of dwarf galaxies.Comment: MNRAS submitted. 7 pages; 6 figures. Comments and questions welcom

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