The geometry of quasi-Hitchin symplectic Anosov representations


In this talk we will discuss quasi-Hitchin representations in Sp(4,C)\mathrm{Sp}(4,\mathbb{C}), which are deformations of Fuchsian (and Hitchin) representations which remain Anosov. These representations acts on the space Lag(C4)\mathrm{Lag}(\mathbb{C}^4) of complex lagrangian grassmanian subspaces of C4\mathbb{C}^4. This theory generalises the classical and important theory of quasi-Fuchsian representations and their action on the Riemann sphere CP1=Lag(C2)\mathbb{C} P^1 = \mathrm{Lag} (\mathbb{C}^2). In the talk, after reviewing the classical theory, we will define Anosov and quasi-Hitchin representations and we will discuss their geometry. In particular, we show that the quotient of the domain of discontinuity for this action is a fiber bundle over the surface and we will describe the fiber. The projection map comes from an interesting parametrization of Lag(C4)\mathrm{Lag}(\mathbb{C}^4) as the space of regular ideal hyperbolic tetrahedra and their degenerations. (This is joint work with D.Alessandrini and A.Wienhard.)Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: University of VirginiaResearche

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