Pedagogies of E-literary Practice for (Un)continuous Times: Live Recording


This is the full recording of the live panel: for the lightning talks, please see the other entry. In response to Debbie Chacra’s charge to “celebrate and foster education, maintenance, analysis, critique, and, above all, caregiving” in maker cultures, this roundtable imagines pedagogies of e-literary practice that combine creation and caregiving in ways restorative to the ongoing tradition(s) of e-lit (“Beyond Making”). E-lit regularly confronts theoretical, cultural, and material challenges endemic to the field, as genres of previously accessible work are being lost to technological obsolescence and new developments are moving increasingly off the screen and out of practical reach. One way to counter such challenges of these (un)continuous times is through an integrated, applied, practice-based model of e-lit pedagogy. Participants discuss ways of teaching electronic literature that incorporates hands-on work like critical-creative making and procedural performance as pedagogical responses to rapid technological changes that blot out e-literature’s past and blackbox its future

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