Integrated models, frameworks and decision support tools to guide management and planning in Northern Australia


Made available by the Northern Territory Library via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).NESP comprises six research hubs, each with their own specific research priorities: Clean Air and Urban Landscapes; Earth Systems and Climate Change; Marine Biodiversity; Northern Australia Environmental Resources; Threatened Species Recovery, and Tropical Water Quality Hub (see the NESP website for a detailed description of each hub). The research about which this report is written was undertaken as part of the Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, which addresses issues associated with the sustainable development of the unique northern environments. This report is associated with one of the core themes of that hub, to: Develop and trial spatially explicit tools to guide planning and management decisions that support a mix of multiple uses and protected areas while maintaining environmental values.The Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub is supported through funding from the Australian Government?s National Environmental Science Programme. The NESP NAER Hub is hosted by Charles Darwin University. Logo on cover: James Cook University, Griffith University, The University of Queensland, Charles Darwin University and the University of Western Australi

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