From Pipelines to Informing Place-Based Strategies for Maine\u27s Older Youth


To help guide and inform the implementation of the recommendations in the first report in this series, Place Matters: Aligning Investments in a Community-Based Continuum of Care for Maine Youth Transitioning to Adulthood, this report addresses data resources. It presents data snapshots of the all sixteen counties in Maine for a number of measures that are related to system involvement. The measures summarized here have limitations, but together they serve as a starting point and highlight what is needed in terms of data in order to monitor the systems affecting Maine youth. These data include indicators of early involvement in systems such as the youth justice, child welfare, and behavioral health systems. A summary of the key data points is provided, as well as recommendations. Forthcoming reports will address community inclusion by representing the assets and opportunities identified by communities and lifting up youth voice. This knowledge is critical to implement the recommendations in the first report of this series, Place Matters: Aligning Investments in a Community-Based Continuum of Care for Maine Youth Transitioning to Adulthood.3 The universal goal then, as now, is that all Maine transition aged (14-24) youth thrive into adulthood

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