History Department 2020 Summer Reading Suggestions


This list of readings was collected by USM History Department faculty at the University of Southern Maine. From the guide: An important part of the anti-racist work of dismantling racial inequities is self-education, doing the work of learning about the hundreds of years of oppression and injustice that provide the context to our contemporary struggles. For historians, context is key to all that we do. Faculty members in the Department of History at USM have come together to suggest a series of texts that we find both personally significant and think will be helpful in coming to a greater understanding of the events, actions, and inactions that have led us to this current moment in the United States and globally. This list reflects our diverse geographical areas of expertise and research, and is by no means exhaustive. We continue to learn from one another, and from our students. We welcome student suggestions on books and pieces you think we should read; this is a conversation. We encourage you to cast a wide net in your anti-racist reading and learning. Here is a place to start

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