Skill development and the making of the global citizen: an analysis of student experiences with study abroad at Humboldt State University


Global citizenship is seen as an emerging necessity as work places are shifting to a more global environment and as challenges we face are becoming more global in nature. This thesis focuses on the creation and nurturing of global citizenship through participation in study abroad programming at Humboldt State University (HSU). Research has shown participation in study abroad has an impact on the participant’s skill development (Farraguia and Sanger 2017) and such skill development can be applied to advancement of global citizenship. This thesis utilizes a mixed methodology to develop a thorough understanding of the level of skills associated with studying abroad for HSU students. Spatial data was examined to determine the extent to which HSU students were studying abroad in the same countries as students across the United States. A survey was sent out to 75 recent HSU study abroad participants and a random sample of 350 HSU students to determine global perspectives. Finally, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with eight students returning from study abroad programs in order to detail how the skills they developed impacted their lives. Europe was the most popular region for both HSU and US study abroad in the 2017/2018 academic year. Survey data indicated study abroad participation increases identification as a global citizen, and the interviewees commonly referenced food in describing the skills they developed from their study abroad experiences

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