Non-fiction prose as one of the trends in the literary process of the North Caucasus


The non-fiction literature phenomenon is one of the most interesting, unique for the North Caucasus and the least studied phenomena of intellectual, spiritual, artistic culture located at the intersection of literature, journalism, and humanitarian knowledge, which determines the relevance and feasibility of studying this problem. The aim of the article is to consider the leading trends in the development of non-fiction literature of the North Caucasus, taking into account the uniqueness of the historical and literary, ethnocultural, multi-confessional state of the region, as well as the variety of national and predetermined Russian and world literature folklore traditions and relations. The article has developed the question of the basic prerequisites for the emergence and development of non-fiction literature in the works of enlightenment writers at its most important stages.The leading approach to the study of the problem is the analysis of the interaction of the worldview and the method of non-fiction authors in the North Caucasus and the correlation of documentary and artistic typification in their works. The close relationship of national documentary prose with journalism is revealed, the interaction in them of the theory and practice of intercultural communication in the unity of its form (genres) and analytical content is justified, the productivity of this type of creativity for the modern sociocultural situation in a particular region is proved. The significance of the article both theoretically and practically is due to the fact that its results can be used as elements of a methodological base for further research on the issues identified

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