Neglected to death. by Ian Temby


tag=1 data=Neglected to death. by Ian Temby. tag=2 data=Temby, Ian tag=3 data=Criminology Australia. tag=6 data=July/August 1990 tag=7 data=19,20. tag=8 data=DEATHS IN CUSTODY tag=9 data=JOHN BARRY MEMORIAL LECTURE tag=10 data=Deaths in custody are distressing, not least to those who run the systems. There are two relevant systems in place. One is government, and the other comprises the prisons and lock-ups in a given jurisdiction. tag=11 data=1990/2/10 tag=12 data=328 tag=13 data=CABDeaths in custody are distressing, not least to those who run the systems. There are two relevant systems in place. One is government, and the other comprises the prisons and lock-ups in a given jurisdiction

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