
representations of hecke algebra of type a


We give some new results about representations of the Hecke algebraHF,q(Sn) of type A. In the first part we define the decomposition numbers dλν to be the composition multiplicity of the irreducible module Dν in the Specht module Sλ. Then we compute the decomposition numbers dλν for all partitions of the form λ = (a, c, 1b) and ν 2–regular for the Hecke algebra HC,−1(Sn). In the second part, we give some examples of decomposable Specht modules for the Hecke algebra HC,−1(Sn). These modules are indexed by partitions of the form (a, 3, 1b), where a, b are even. Finally, we find a new family of decomposable Specht modules for FSn when char(F) = 2

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