Deep groundwater resources of the Ti-Tree Basin


Made available by the Northern Territory Library via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).This report is the summation of the main activities, findings, achievements and recommendations of the work program conducted in the Ti-Tree region of the Northern Territory for the Raising National Water Standards project: 'Water for Australia's arid zone - identifying and assessing Australia's palaeovalley groundwater resources'. The aim of the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project was to deliver an innovative and integrated national-scale approach for better understanding the capacity, quality, quantity and dynamics of groundwater systems in palaeovalley aquifers, thereby enabling improved management of these important groundwater resources.Executive summary -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1. The Palaeovalley Groundwater Project -- 1.2. Project operations in the Ti-Tree Basin -- 1.3. Overview of the Ti-Tree Basin -- 2. Geological and geophysical setting -- 2.1. Geology -- 2.2. Regolith -- 2.3. Geophysics -- 2.4. Palynology -- 3. Hydrogeological setting -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Groundwater flow in the shallow aquifer -- 3.3 Recharge -- 3.4. Groundwater chemistry of the shallow aquifer -- 3.5. Potential for groundwater resources in deep aquifers -- 3.6. Summary -- 4. Investigation of deep groundwater systems in the T-Tree Basin -- 4.1. Gravity -- 4.2. Drilling -- 4.3. Stratigraphic analysis -- 4.4. Palynostratigraphic analysis -- 4.5. Hydrogeologic analysis -- 5. Revised hydrostratigraphic model of the T-Tree Basin -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Regional cross-sections -- 5.3. Hydrogeology -- 5.4. Stratigraphic correlations and comparisons with other arid zone palaeovalleys -- 5.5 Conclusions -- 6. Conclusions and recommendations -- 9. References -- Appendix 1. Deep investigative drillhole logs. Drilling report log for RN18356 (T-Tree Station). Drilling report log for RN18594.This project was funded by the Australian Government through the National Water Commission?s Raising National Water Standards Program

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