Indoor Living Wall: educational tool for improving eco-health awareness in public school


The increasing urbanization trend may affect negatively people's health due to the lack of natural areas. Younger generations carry out many daily activities in indoor spaces, such as schools, where the quality of indoor environment could be poor. Recent studies assert that the application of vertical greening in indoor spaces improves the quality of indoor air and provides several benefits for occupants' wellbeing. Vertical greening systems are included in the set of Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI) that apply nature-based solutions and promote an ecological approach for the improvement of built environment. They also offer the opportunity to develop educational activities focused on ecological approach in urban areas. Urban environmental education involving green infrastructures helps to rise people's awareness regard the importance of environmental quality for their wellbeing. This paper investigates the opportunity to consider indoor living wall as complementary education tools to promote (non-) formal education and ecological literacy. It investigates how the development of green curricula activities using indoor living wall can promotes the understanding of the cross-dependence between human health and the quality of indoor environment

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