Agricultural Land Suitability Series, Report 2


This report describes the dominant landform, soils and vegetation of the Wildman River Area, Northern Territory. The study area covers 343km2 and is located approximately 100km south-east of Darwin via the Arnhem Highway and is situated between the Mary River and Kakadu National Parks. The primary purpose of the investigation was to map, describe and evaluate soil landscapes to inform future irrigation development in an area with identified potential for groundwater extraction. The soil and land suitability investigation was undertaken in 2015.Made available by the Northern Territory Library via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).Executive Summary, 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Landscapes, 4. Land Units, 5. Soil, 6. Vegetation, 7. Land Evaluation, 8. Management Considerations, 9. References, Appendix A-H

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