High resolution, ground based R and I band observations of the ultra compact
dwarf galaxy POX 186 are presented. The data, obtained with the ESO New
Technology Telescope (NTT), are analyzed using a new deconvolution algorithm
which allows one to resolve the innermost regions of this stellar-like object
into three Super-Star Clusters (SSC). Upper limits to both masses (M\sim 10^5
M_{\odot}) and the physical sizes (\le 60pc) of the SSCs are set. In addition,
and maybe most importantly, extended light emission underlying the compact
star-forming region is clearly detected in both bands. The R-I color rules out
nebular H\alpha contamination and is consistent with an old stellar population.
This casts doubt on the hypothesis that Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies (BCDG) are
young galaxies.Comment: 4 figures postscript, 2 tables, to appear in A&A main journa