Youth participation in civil society and political life in Tamil Nadu


Youth participation in civil society and political life is increasingly recognized as an important development objective. The opportunities for participation that young people experience in their communities may influence their development and the types of transitions they make to adulthood. Behaviors and attitudes relating to community participation that individuals adopt as young people predict lifelong civic affiliations and perspectives. In India, the National Youth Policy 2003 has underscored the role of India’s youth in political decision-making, and has argued for greater representation of youth in appropriate bodies as well as for more extensive youth participation in the design and implementation of programs. There is a recognition that today’s youth can play an important role in influencing political processes and socioeconomic development. However, evidence that sheds light on the extent to which youth participate in civil society and political life remains limited in India. This policy brief documents the participation of youth in civil society in Tamil Nadu, the extent to which they uphold secular attitudes, and their perceptions about and participation in political processes

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