An Unusual Case of Accidental Ingestion of a Toothbrush


Introduction: Foreign body ingestion is a common presenting complaint in the emergency department. While ingestion of small foreign bodies like coins and button batteries is not uncommon, ingestion of long and rigid foreign bodies like toothbrush is very rare. Case presentation: We describe a 36-year-old man who presented to us after accidental ingestion of a toothbrush. The patient underwent urgent endoscopic removal; Psychiatric evaluation revealed an acute and transient psychotic disorder in him. Conclusion: Ingestion of long and rigid foreign bodies like a toothbrush is an uncommon entity. Such foreign bodies when ingested find it difficult to maneuver through the GI tract, which makes their spontaneous passage almost impossible. Their ingestion is associated with increased risk of impaction, perforation and, bleeding. Therefore, early removal of the ingested toothbrush is recommended before complications develop

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