A 34-year-old Pregnant Woman with Chickenpox Re-infection


A 34-year-old pregnant woman was referred to our emergency ward, complaining of intensification of skin lesions which had started six days earlier. Initially, vesicular lesions had started from head and face accompanied by fever which turn to generalized pustular lesions expanded to the whole body within four days (figure 1). By investigating the patient's personal contact history, we found that same symptoms were detected in her 9-year-old child 19 days prior to admission which was diagnosed as chickenpox. The patient also had mentioned previous history of chicken pox infection at her age of seven. She was ill but not toxic and was conscious with a blood pressure of 98/59 mmHg, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, heart rate of 100 beats per minute and oral temperature of 37.2 °C in physical examination. She didn't have respiratory distress, dyspnea, meningism symptoms (Kernig Sign, Brudzinksi, and Nuchal Rigidity), ataxia or sensory defect and her all other physical examinations were normal. Upon diagnosis of chickenpox, intravenous (IV) acyclovir 750 mg three times a day and also IV clindamycin 900 mg TDS in combination with IV fluid were administered and finally the patient was admitted in Infectious diseases ward

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