Society Perspective towards Forest and Land in the Tenurial Conflict Area of Tesso Nilo National Park


Abstract. One of the society’s main problems that live around Tesso Nilo’s area is theless of economy choices in sustainable that make them possible to live side by side inharmony with the Tesso Nilo forest. Another problem that also comes this time is theappearance of land use conflict (tenurial) among the custom societies with thecompanies of concession holder in the land. There are the research goals are: First,Identifying the economy social characteristic of the society in the Village of LubukKembang Bunga. Second, analyzing the society’s perspective about the forest and theland in the tenurial conflict area of the Village of Lubuk Kembang Bunga. This researchis designed using Mix Method with main method that is used is qualitative andquantitative method as the main method supporting.There is also the research result isthe villager of Lubuk Kembang Bunga is classified heterogent, this thing is seen frommany existences of the comers that enter to the village from various ethnics. Most ofgeography condition of Lubuk Kembang Bunga Village is plantation, animalhusbandry, tourism (National Park of Tesso Nilo), protected forest and water source.Based on the knowledge of culture and society’s adaptation experience with the natureenvironment, in general the original villagers of forest area of TessoNilo havecategorization system of land and forest use that are in the environment on four parts,namely: settlement, polak, unirrigated agricultural field/garden, and forest

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