Soil acidity and eastern wheatbelt plant nutrition.


1. Affects of soil acidity on subterranean clover growth in the cropping areas of Western Australia. Trial 87AL35, 87NO2, 87No3, 88NO76, 88NO77, 88TS54 To investigate the responsiveness to lime of subterranean clover based pastures on acid soil and the cropping areas of Western Australia.To determine the reasons for responses to line in the field, particularly the possible involvement of legume nodulation effects and the alleviation of soil/water repellence.To develop practical identification and management strategies for acid soils problems. Trial 87AL35. Liming in crop/pasture rotation on acid soils Location: Woogenellup. History: 1987 Lime applied, sown to barley 1988 Clover regenerated. Lime increased October production by 10%. 1989 Sown to oats - before being sown pasture growth was measured. Trial 87NO2. Lime in crop/pasture rotations on acid soils. Location: York History 1987 Lime applied and Dalkeith sub. clover sown. No response. 1988 Wheat 1989 Sub clover regenerated. Trial 87NO3 Lime in crop/pasture rotations on acid soils. Location: Grass Valley History 1987 Lime applied and Dalkeith sub. clover sown. Small response to lime. 1988 Wheat. 1989 Sub. clover regenerated. Trial 88NO76 Lime in crop/pasture rotations on acid soils. Location: Goomalling. History 1988 Lime applied and sub.clover sown. 1989 Sown to wheat. Before cropping pasture growth was measured. Trial 88NO77 Lime in crop/pasture rotation on acid soils Location: East Ejanding History: 1988 Lime applied and sub clover sown 1989 Sown to wheat. Before cropping, pasture growth was observed. Trial 88TS54 Lime in crop/pasture rotations on acid soils. Location: Three Springs. History: 1988 Lime applied and sub. clover sown. Lime increased September dry matter by 65%. 1989 Sown to wheat. Before cropping pasture, growth was measured. Trial 88ME102 The interaction of lime and nitrogen in a lupin/wheat rotation. Location: Corrigin Hisory: 1987 Lupins with Super, Cu Zn Mo. 1988 Lime applied, sown to wheat with rates of nitrogen. 1989 Apr. early Super (100 kg/ha) topdressed. Also added Simazine Brodal Sertin and Fusilade. No visual response in July and September. September - Sampled 20 plants per plot, reps 1 and 2, just prior to flowering. Trial 88ME103 The effect of lime in a lupin/cereal rotation. Location: Corrigin. History: 1987 Lupins with Super Cu Zn Mo. 1988 Lime applied, sown to five wheat varieties. 1989 As for 88ME102 (Interaction of lime and nitrogen in a lupin/wheat rotation).\u27 Trial 80M30 Effect of lime on wheat/lupin rotations on acid, eastern wheatbelt yellow sandplain soil. Location: Merredin Research Station. History: Between 1980 and 1989 Lime (Wheat/Clover) x 2 Molybdenum rates. Wheat plots sown to wheat. Clover to triticale. Added 200 g Super/ha, 90 g Mo/ha and 73 kg Agran/ha. yielded 1.5 t/ha. No lime response.Lime increased grain yield in 1986. Sown Wheat and Yorrel, September 1989 sampled 30 plants/plot rep 1 only. November 1989 Harvested. Trial 8OM31 Lime applications in a wheat/lupin rotation. Location: Merredin Research Station. The large effect of lime on wheat yield (75% increase) does not appear to be due to the alleviation of a molybdenum deficiency. the molybdenum treatment is confounded with rate of Agras. A slightly higher rate of Agras was applied in the nil molybdenum plots compared to plus molybdenum plots (123 kg/ha). Trial 88NA82 The effect of lime on gegenerating clover. Location: Yealering. History: Between 1986 and 1989 pasture was very clover dominant Crop sown with 90 kg/ha DAP appeared very N deficient. (cereal variety trial). Rates of lime applied, cultivated and sown to sub. clover Topdressed 210 kg super/ha and 90 KG KC1/ha. Cultivated. Sown to Dalyup Oates with double super (70 kg/ha( and Agran (60 kg/ha). Then harvested. Trial 89ME62 Demonstratino of liming recommendations. Location: Bruce Rock History: 1989 Topdressed lime. Cultivated across pots with cone seeder to 6 cm. Sown to Gutha (50 kg/ha) with super Cu Zn Mo, rates of nitrogen (topdressed). Sprayseed (1.5 L/ha) Brominil M (1 L/ha) and Hoegrass (1 L/ha) No lime response visible. Sampled 50 plants/plot, anthesis. Trial 89ME92, 89ME93, 89ME94. 89MO50 Gypsum for amelioration of acid soils. Location: Burracoppin, N.W. Trayning, Welbungin, Dalwallin

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