Phosphorus nutrition.


Evaluation of soil test for phosphate on sandy soils. Results presented for this project, commenced in 1988, which started as a joint project between the Department of Agriculture and Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, School of Agriculture, University of Western Australia. In the field experiments, 10 levels of superphosphate (three replicates) were applied in May 1988, and 10 levels of superphosphate (also three replicates) were applied in May 1989 onto an adjacent area to the 1988 treatments. Colwell P I(soil test values) and yield data are presented for 1988 and 1989 for the 1988 treatments layed out in 1988, and for 1989 for the treatments layed out in 1989. Data presented are the mean of three replicates. In 1988 the soil samples (0-10 cm, using 2.5 cm diameter samplers) were collected 102 months after the superphosphate treatments were applied. In 1989, the soil samples were collected February-May from the 1988 treatments only, and these were related in 1989 to yields measured from the 1988 and 1989 treatments. The crops were sown in May, cereals at 50-60 kg seed/ha, and lupins at 100 to 129 seed/ha at about 4-5 cm depth. Trial 88BA41, 88BA42, 88BA43, 88EB11, 88N33, 88N34, 88N35, 88SG24, 88SG25, 88SG26, 88WH45, 88SC18, 88SC19, 66M30, 48MI49. Location Badginarra Research Station, East Beverley Research Block, Newdegate Research Station, Salmon Gums Research Station, Wongan Hills Research Station, South Carrabin, Merredin Research Station

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