
The Intermediate Line Region and the Baldwin Effect


Statistical investigations of samples of quasars have established that clusters of properties are correlated. The strongest trends among the ultraviolet emission-line properties are characterized by the object-to-object variation of emission from low-velocity gas, the so-called ``intermediate-line region'' or ILR. The strongest trends among the optical emission-line properties are characterized by the object-to-object variation of the line intensity ratio of [O III] 5007 to optical Fe II. Additionally, the strength of ILR emission correlates with [O III]/Fe II, as well as with radio and X-ray properties. The fundamental physical parameter driving these related correlations is not yet identified. Because the variation in the ILR dominates the variation in the equivalent widths of lines showing the Baldwin effect, it is important to understand whether the physical parameter underlying this variation also drives the Baldwin effect or is a primary source of scatter in the Baldwin effect.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the meeting on "Quasars as Standard Candles for Cosmology" held on May 18-22, 1998, at La Serena, Chile. To be published by ASP, editor G. Ferlan

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