AMM: Adaptive Multilinear Meshes


We present Adaptive Multilinear Meshes (AMM), a new framework that significantly reduces the memory footprint compared to existing data structures. AMM uses a hierarchy of cuboidal cells to create continuous, piecewise multilinear representation of uniformly sampled data. Furthermore, AMM can selectively relax or enforce constraints on conformity, continuity, and coverage, creating a highly adaptive and flexible representation to support a wide range of use cases. AMM supports incremental updates in both spatial resolution and numerical precision establishing the first practical data structure that can seamlessly explore the tradeoff between resolution and precision. We use tensor products of linear B-spline wavelets to create an adaptive representation and illustrate the advantages of our framework. AMM provides a simple interface for evaluating the function defined on the adaptive mesh, efficiently traversing the mesh, and manipulating the mesh, including incremental, partial updates. Our framework is easy to adopt for standard visualization and analysis tasks. As an example, we provide a VTK interface, through efficient on-demand conversion, which can be used directly by corresponding tools, such as VisIt, disseminating the advantages of faster processing and a smaller memory footprint to a wider audience. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach for simplifying scalar-valued data for commonly used visualization and analysis tasks using incremental construction, according to mixed resolution and precision data streams

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