The technological meat quality of the White Mangalitsa breed


Article Details: Received: 2019-08-21 | Accepted: 2019-10-10 | Available online: 2019-12-31 aim of the experiment was to evaluate the technological meat quality of the breed White Mangalitsa through the pH, electric conductivity, drip loss and meat color parameters. Totally, 20 pigs of the breed White Mangalitsa (10 barrows and 10 gilts) were evaluated. Pigs were bred under the intensive breeding conditions. The animals were fed ad libitum using a complete feed compound with the added silage. Pigs were slaughtered upon reaching 110 kg of live weight. The muscles of MLD (Musculus longissimus dorsi) and MSM (Musculus semimembranosus) were evaluated. The meat quality analysis showed that pH1 was similar between the muscles. The evidently lower pH2 value was in MLD (P <0.01). The EC1 value (P <0.01) was significantly higher in the MSM muscle. The EC2 values in MLD and MSM were similar. 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