School Administrators’ Communication Skills as a Predictor of Organizational Silence


The aim of this study was to determine not only the level of teachers’ perceptions of organizational silence and school administrators’ communication skills but also the correlation between communication skills and organizational silence. The study aimed to determine to what extent school administrators’ communication skills and teachers’ gender predicted teachers’ organizational silence as well. The target population consisted of 206 teachers of primary schools in the district of Yakutiye of the city of Erzurum in the academic year of 2018-2019. Data were collected using a personal information form developed by the researcher, the Communication Skills Scale (CCS) developed by Wiemann (1977) and adapted to Turkish by Topluer (2008) and the Organizational Silence Scale (OSS) developed by Kahveci and Demirtaş (2013a). Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine how well independent variables predicted dependent variables. Participants’ CCS social relaxation and support subscale scores were highest and lowest, respectively. Participants’ OSS school environment and administrator subscale scores were highest and lowest, respectively. There was a significant correlation between school administrators’ communication skills and teachers’ organizational silence. Regression analysis showed that the subscales of the CCS significantly predicted those of the OSS

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