Blended learning i de praktisk-musiske fag set gennem et systematisk litteratur-review


In a Danish context, blended learning is a well-established term, coining the relation between physical learning environments in which the teacher is present and virtual learning environments, where the teacher is represented through different media, either synchronously or asynchronously. This understanding of blended learning has proven especially challenging for the development of blended learning courses in the subjects related to arts and crafts. In this article, we start off with a critical discussion of traditional understandings of blended learning to establish a basis from which innovative potentials can be explored. Through a literature review of international research, we discuss the following question: Without face-to-face collaboration and full sensory human experience, how can teaching in practical skills in blended learning formats unfold in new ways inspired by the theoretical perspective of Systematic Innovative Thinking? The article presents the results from the initial part of a multi-annual research project, which aims at developing, testing and redesigning a new blended learning format to educate teachers in the subjects related to arts and crafts.Blended learning er i dansk sammenhæng et veletableret begreb, som betegner koblingen af fysiske undervisnings- og læringsrum med læringsrum online – en forståelse som i særlig grad er en udfordring for udvikling af blendede forløb til praktisk-musiske fag.  Med afsæt i en kritisk diskussion af traditionelle forståelser af blended learning undersøges andre forståelser og formater blandt andet udfoldet i et innovationsteoretisk perspektiv. I form af et litteraturreview af international forskning diskuteres følgende spørgsmål:  Hvordan kan undervisning i praktiske færdigheder i et blended learning format uden F2F kollaboration og delte sansemotorisk erfaringer udfoldes på nye måder med udgangspunkt i Systematisk Innovativ Tænkning?  Artiklen formidler resultaterne fra første del af et flerårigt empirisk forskningsprojekt, som følger udvikling, test og redesign af et nyt blended format for uddannelse og efteruddannelse af folkeskolelærere i de praktisk-musiske fag

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