

This article summarizes past literatures to identify issues related to overseas market development by Japanʼs die and mold industry. It has expanded its production overseas in response to the globalization of its existing clients. It has long been argued that it is necessary to expand Japanʼs die and mold industry business base to other non-Japanese companies. However, contrary to expectations, despite Japanʼs technological advantage the reality is that competition from other countries has intensified.The review focuses on the following areas: International business activities of Japanese SMEs( small and medium sized enterprises), international business activities of Japanʼs die and mold industry, competitors in the industry from other regions, and global procurement practices of automobile companies and parts producers. The theoretical framework of overseas business development of industrial commodities is also reviewed.The conclusion reveals that further research is required on the difference in behaviors of overseas market development of the die and mold industry between Japanese and other regions. Current discussions tend to focus on the mindset of management, which alone limits the explanation. It also points out the need to incorporate analysis from the procurerʼs perspective

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