The isoperimetric problem for regular and crystalline norms in H1\mathbb H^1


We study the isoperimetric problem for anisotropic left-invariant perimeter measures on R3\mathbb R^3, endowed with the Heisenberg group structure. The perimeter is associated with a left-invariant norm ϕ\phi on the horizontal distribution. We first prove a representation formula for the ϕ\phi-perimeter of regular sets and, assuming some regularity on ϕ\phi and on its dual norm ϕ\phi^*, we deduce a foliation property by sub-Finsler geodesics of C2\mathrm C^2-smooth surfaces with constant ϕ\phi-curvature. We then prove that the characteristic set of C2\mathrm C^2-smooth surfaces that are locally extremal for the isoperimetric problem is made of isolated points and horizontal curves satisfying a suitable differential equation. Based on such a characterization, we characterize C2\mathrm C^2-smooth ϕ\phi-isoperimetric sets as the sub-Finsler analogue of Pansu's bubbles. We also show, under suitable regularity properties on ϕ\phi, that such sub-Finsler candidate isoperimetric sets are indeed C2\mathrm C^2-smooth. By an approximation procedure, we finally prove a conditional minimality property for the candidate solutions in the general case (including the case where ϕ\phi is crystalline)

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