Letter from P. A. Doran to John Muir, 1905 Sep 28.


[letterhead]S. S. Columbia Sept. 28, 1905My dear Professor Muir,I am very much pleased to know that Helen is improving and hope, for your sake as well as her own, she will continue so and grow entirely well.I wish I could prescribe for her with the same success as in your case. However, when she is again well and strong, I would recommend a trip on the Columbia, and I shall arrange matters with old ocean, and ours esteemed friends the huge leviathans, for a pleasant voyage.Trusting this will find you in good health and confidence regarding Helen\u27s speedy recover I amYours very truly, P. A. Dorans. S. ColumbiaSpear St. WharfS. F.0363

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