Letter from Alden Anderson to John Muir, 1904 Jul 15.


ALDEN ANDERSON,LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR,CALIFORNIA,1903-1907.Sacramento, Calif., July 15, 1904.Hon. John Muir,Martinez, Calif.My dear Mr. Muir:-Your favor in reply of the 13th inst. duly to hand. We had a conference this morning with Major Chittendon, Mr. R. D. Marshall and Mr. Prank Bond. There were present either in person or by representation, practically all the State officials; Senator Devlin of Sacramento, Senator Rowell of Fresno, former Congressman Loutitt of Stockton and several others. I read your letter to the assembled conference and your suggestions were very well received. I desire to thank you for going into the matter to the extent you did, and congratulate you upon the concise manner in which you state your views and your opinion as to the necessary action to be taken by the State of California and the Federal Government to put the Yosemite Park and its environments on the proper basis.With an expression of personal regards and kind remembrances, I am,Very truly yours,[Illegible]G.P.03407O3Y0?

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