Cracking the Silence of Modern Slavery in Public Education


[Abstract] Slavery is a more rapid and technical “game” than ever before in the world’s history. Coming in many different forms, human trafficking is the most popular form of slavery today and “generates as much as $150 billion in profits every year, more than one-third of which is generated in developed countries” (Hodal). Christine Caine has founded A21, a nonprofit organization that works with free slaves to disrupt the demand and is in hope that human beings everywhere will be rescued from bondage and completely restored, she states: “When a lot of people do a little, it adds up and makes a difference.” With this in mind, my research paper is advocates educating all age groups on the effects and devastation human trafficking has created for millions and millions of families around the world. Starting within the United States, the Polaris Project, another anti-slavery organization, “analyzed data from nearly 10 years of operating the National Human Trafficking Hotline, to show that human trafficking in the US consists of 25 distinct business models” (Polaris 4). Another key piece of present evidence of human trafficking is that there are still countries that have not outlawed owning another human being. Beginning with education and the advocation of lawmakers and the United Nations, there can be a difference made against modern slavery

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