
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey


We present preliminary results from the 2-degree Field (2dF) QSO Redshift Survey currently under way at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This survey aims to determine the redshifts of >25000 QSOs over a redshift range of 0.3<z<3.0 with the primary goal of investigating large-scale structure in the Universe to high redshift and at very large scales (~1000h-1Mpc). We describe the photometric procedure used to select QSO candidates for spectroscopic observation. We then describe results from our first 2dF observations, which have so far measured the redshifts for over 1000 QSOs. We already find a significant detection of clustering and have also found one close pair of QSOs (separation 17'') which are gravitational lens candidates. To keep up to date with the current progress of the survey see: 5 pages Latex including 6 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "Evolution of Large Scale Structure: From Recombination to Garching", held August 199

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